Definitive Map Modification Order backlogs

There are an estimated 10,000 applications for Definitive Map Modification Orders awaiting a decision by local highway authorities. Failure to decide these applications leaves paths without the protection of the Definitive Map, walkers without clarity on where they can walk, and homeowners in limbo.
The Ramblers has joined with the British Horse Society and the Open Spaces Society to force councils to confront this problem. We believe that by winning against councils in court, other councils will take notice and start to act on their backlogs.
The first action we’ve taken, against Cornwall Council, concerned their refusal to add applications to the register on a technicality. The council admitted their refusal was not lawful in a Consent Order from the court in February 2024. Inclusion on the council’s register protects unrecorded paths from being automatically extinguished on 1 January 2031.
The next issue we’re taking on relates to councils ignoring directions by the Secretary of State to determine applications that have been sitting on the register for more than 12 months. We have taken counsel’s opinion on this topic and are now working to identify which council we should issue proceedings against.
Additionally, we are also seeking to take action against councils who delay submitting disputed Definitive Map Modification Orders to the Secretary of State for confirmation. Unnecessary delays like this can add months or years on top of an absurdly long process of determination and order making.

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Don’t Lose Your Way – Saving lost paths
We have searched England and Wales and found over 49,000 miles of paths that could be lost forever. Time is running out to save them for future generations.