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Threat to thousands of paths removed as UK government repeals 2031 deadline
Today, the UK government has announced it will remove the 2031 deadline to record historic rights of way in England, ending the threat to over 41,000 miles of unrecorded paths.

Could a regular walk benefit your community group?
The Ramblers, Britian’s walking charity, wants to hear from community groups that would like to add walking to their current activities programmes but are not sure where to start.

Galloway National Park can boost walking
Ramblers Scotland is urging outdoor enthusiasts to take part in the newly-launched consultation on the proposed new Galloway National Park.
Thursley Common boardwalk named Britain’s Favourite Path by the Ramblers
A Surrey boardwalk, restored by the local community following a devastating fire, has won the title of Britain’s Favourite Path.

New ‘Getting Started Toolkit’ in development by the Ramblers
The Ramblers and Ramble Worldwide Outdoor Trust are teaming up to help more people experience the benefits of walking via a new ‘Getting Started Toolkit’

Invest in Scotland’s world-class access rights to boost our economy and health
Ramblers Scotland’s director Brendan Paddy argues that a relatively modest government investment goes a long way if spent on walking.

Reforming railway crossings is a test for devolution
Reforming access at level crossings is a potential win-win for outdoor recreation and for re-setting devolution, says Ramblers Scotland director Brendan Paddy.

Targeting improvements to the latest Land Reform Bill
Ramblers Scotland wants targeted changes to the latest Land Reform Bill so that that more communities can benefit from our world-class access rights.

New government, new opportunity for access?
The UK has a new government following the 2024 General Election. Keir Starmer is the seventh Labour prime minister but what has the party previously promised on access and should walkers be excited?