The Ramblers media centre
Welcome to the Ramblers media centre which contains contacts and information for journalists.
The Ramblers works to bring the benefits of walking to people across Britain and protect and expand the places where people love to walk. We have a range of national and regional media spokespeople across the country who can speak about walking related topics; from recreation and health, to access, rights of way and countryside issues.
Press office
Email: press@ramblers.org.uk
Out of hours
For urgent media enquiries outside of normal office hours please call 07765 930307.
Ramblers Cymru
General Ramblers Cymru enquiries cerddwyr@ramblers.org.uk
Ymholiadau Cyffredinol Ramblers Cymru dolen i cerddwyr@ramblers.org.uk
Ramblers Scotland
Danny Carden danny.carden@ramblers.org.uk, Engagement & Communications Manager, Scotland, 07557 527 607
General Ramblers Scotland enquiries scotland@ramblers.org.uk
Walk magazine
Please get in touch with any editorial enquiries for Walk, our magazine, to walkmag@ramblers.org.uk
More information
Find out more about the Ramblers, walking advice and inspiration, Ramblers campaigning and our history. We have spokespeople available for comment and broadcast interviews, plus a photo library of walking-related images available for journalists preparing content about the Ramblers and our work.
Other contacts
If you are looking for other Ramblers contact details, including our head office, offices in the devolved nations or membership, please visit our Contact us page.