Recommended kit for leading group walks
The extra kit we suggest taking along when you’re leading a walk

When you’re leading a walk, we recommend you carry a few extra bits in addition to your normal walking kit to keep you and your group comfortable and safe. What you need to take on the day will depend on the walk, the weather and the season.
We know different walks need different kit, so use this list as a starting point to work out what you need in your walking kit. Add and remove items as you find what works best for you.
Depending on the type of walk you’re leading, you may need to take extra navigation tools with you to keep you on track:
- Map, waterproof case and compass
- Fully charged mobile phone with access to GPS, OS locate and the Ramblers App
- GPS device
- Headtorch with extra batteries
- Watch
Emergencies and first aid
It’s always good to be prepared for any incidents on your walk:
- In Case of Emergency Cards to hand out to your group and record emergency contact details
- Basic first aid kit
- Foil blanket
- Emergency bivvy bag
- Group shelter large enough for your group
- Blister plasters, such as Compeed
- Whistle
Spare equipment and supplies
As a walk leader, it’s a good idea to take some extra items so you can help out if one of your walkers forgets something essential.
- Extra waterproof gloves
- Extra hat
- Extra warm layer
- Extra pair of socks
- Extra bootlaces
- Extra food and drink (and a hot drink if it’s cold!)
Other useful items
- Penknife
- Duct tape
- Walking poles
- Membership leaflets/leaflets about your upcoming walks

Best buys
From waterproof jackets to the ultimate walking trousers, our Best Buy articles below can help you decide which is the best walking gear for you.
Walking navigation devices Buyer’s Guide
When striding out on less well-trodden routes, a navigation device can be a useful partner. Here’s our guide to buying one that’s right for you.

Walking boots Buyer’s Guide
Choose the right footwear to get the maximum enjoyment from your walk. Read our expert advice on choosing the right walking boots for you.