Resources for walk leaders
Everything you need to lead safe, enjoyable and welcoming walks

Whether you’re leading a wild-weather wander or an urban leg stretch, discovering new routes or exploring close to home, we want you and your walkers to be safe and have fun. We have lots of guidance, tools and resources to support you in your role as a walk leader and you’ll find it all right here.
The Walk Leader Handbook
The Walk Leader Handbook sets out 8 guiding principles that will help you lead walks with confidence. It takes you through what a walk leader needs to consider when planning and leading a group walk and draws on best practice from within Ramblers.
This guidance is a helpful reminder for experienced walk leaders and the perfect place to start for new walk leaders.
Walk Leader Checklist
This Walk Leader Checklist is full of practical reminders of what to consider before, during and after the walk and is perfect for taking out with you on the day.
(A4 foldable version here)
Walk Leader Resource Pack
We have a range of handy resources and templates to help you plan and lead great group walks. You can adapt the resources in a way that works
for you and your walk. The resources include:
Risk assessments: Refer to these documents as a starting point to consider the specific risks on your walk, and take proportionate steps to manage safety.
Ramblers Skills Framework: use this to understand the skills and experience you’ll need to lead different types of walks. Remember, you can work together with other members of your group to cover the bases and build your experience. What’s important is that between you, you have everything you need to manage safety and enjoy yourselves.
Sign in sheet: walk leaders can use this to collect emergency contact information for walkers at the start of the walk. This does not replace any registration methods already in place e.g. Ramblers App
Route card template: this template is particularly useful for anyone leading remote, challenging walks. Remember to share your plan with someone at home.
Information for Walkers
Your walkers have their part to play in keeping a walk safe, enjoyable and welcoming. Some of the groups at the Ramblers have created their own walker charters, which they pop on their website or send it out to new walkers ahead of their first walk. This lets walkers know how to prepare for a walk and what to expect on the day. We’ve created a generic Information for Walkers that you can download, modify for your walks and share with your walkers.
We spoke to Shropshire Young Ramblers about their walker charter and you can hear more about how it works in this short video.
Walk leadership online training
Grow your skills and confidence in leading group walks.

Walk leadership training opportunities in Scotland
Find out more about the training and support for walk leaders in Scotland.

It’s important to stay safe while out walking. Read our guidance on how to be prepared for all situations.